Turn On Your Screen 👉 Learn Interesting Facts. And It’s All Free…
*Have you ever wanted to learn new amazing facts regularly every day and increase your general knowledge?
*And have you ever decided to do so; but give up learning after a while like many of us?
*Wouldn’t it be marvelous if you had the chance to learn interesting facts when you turn on your screen?
*And wouldn’t it be excellent if you decided what, when and how many you want to learn every day?
So here’s the good news:
You can do it all with this “Did You Know” app.
What Is “Did You Know”
“Did you know” is a ”general knowledge – interesting facts / fun facts” app that helps you learn new amazing facts every day, even if you forget to do so. The idea is simple: You decide what to learn (among 20+ topics), when to learn and how many things to learn every day. And that’s it! Relax and go back to your work. “Did You Know” will take care of the rest. You will soon start to learn new fun facts.
Let’s say you have chosen to learn 10 new facts from History, Nature, Science, Music and Human Body on each day. And you only want to learn during morning and evenig periods (because you’re at work in afternoon 😉). So here is what’s going to happen: At random times during mornig and evening periods (never exceeding 10 times a day), when you turn on your screen (i.e. at your lock screen) , the app will come up and say “Heyy did you know this amazing fact?…”.
Well, are you busy enough right now and can’t learn another new weird fact? Just click “Show Later” button. You are going to see the same amazing fact later on.
Or happily, you have the time to read that little sentence. Then just click “Got It”.
(In both cases, the app will disappear immediately letting you go on with your phone)
And if you want to add the fun facts to your favorites and repeat them anytime you want. Then just click the yellow star... 🤔 Well, it’s actually orange…
And last but not least; you are not limited to lock screen learning only. If you get bored and want to learn some fun facts you may use the app whenever you want and increase your general knowledge by learning these interesting facts.
That’s It! Simple enough. You have made your dream come true. You will learn new cool fun facts selected from a database of over 20+ topics and 1900+ facts (we continuously increase these numbers with updates). And you will do it every day.
Happy learning 😊…
Nyalakan Layar Anda 👉 Pelajari Fakta Menarik. Dan Ini Semua Gratis ...
* Pernahkah Anda ingin mempelajari fakta-fakta menakjubkan baru secara teratur setiap hari dan meningkatkan pengetahuan umum Anda?
* Dan apakah Anda pernah memutuskan untuk melakukannya; tetapi menyerah belajar setelah beberapa saat seperti kebanyakan dari kita?
* Bukankah akan luar biasa jika Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mempelajari fakta menarik ketika Anda menghidupkan layar Anda?
* Dan bukankah itu bagus jika Anda memutuskan apa, kapan, dan berapa banyak yang ingin Anda pelajari setiap hari?
Jadi, inilah kabar baiknya:
Anda dapat melakukan semuanya dengan aplikasi "Did You Know" ini.
Apa itu "Tahukah Anda"
"Tahukah Anda" adalah "pengetahuan umum - fakta menarik / fakta menyenangkan" aplikasi yang membantu Anda mempelajari fakta-fakta baru yang menakjubkan setiap hari, bahkan jika Anda lupa melakukannya. Idenya sederhana: Anda memutuskan apa yang harus dipelajari (di antara 20+ topik), kapan harus belajar dan berapa banyak hal yang harus dipelajari setiap hari. Dan itu dia! Bersantailah dan kembali ke pekerjaan Anda. "Tahukah Anda" akan mengurus sisanya. Anda akan segera mulai belajar fakta-fakta baru yang menyenangkan.
Katakanlah Anda telah memilih untuk mempelajari 10 fakta baru dari Riwayat , Alam , Ilmu , Musik < / b> dan Tubuh Manusia setiap hari. Dan Anda hanya ingin belajar selama periode pagi dan evenig (karena Anda sedang bekerja di sore hari 😉). Jadi di sini adalah apa yang akan terjadi: Pada waktu yang acak selama mornig dan sore hari (tidak pernah melebihi 10 kali sehari), ketika Anda menyalakan layar Anda (yaitu di layar kunci Anda) , aplikasi akan datang dan berkata "Heyy, apakah Anda tahu fakta menakjubkan ini? ...".
Nah, apakah Anda cukup sibuk sekarang dan tidak dapat mempelajari fakta aneh baru lainnya? Cukup klik tombol "Tampilkan Nanti". Anda akan melihat fakta menakjubkan yang sama di kemudian hari.
Atau dengan senang hati, Anda punya waktu untuk membaca kalimat kecil itu. Kemudian klik "Got It".
(Dalam kedua kasus, aplikasi akan hilang segera membiarkan Anda melanjutkan dengan telepon Anda)
Dan jika Anda ingin menambahkan fakta-fakta menyenangkan ke favorit Anda dan mengulanginya kapan saja Anda mau. Kemudian klik saja bintang kuning ... 🤔 Ya, itu sebenarnya oranye ...
Dan last but not least; Anda tidak terbatas pada pembelajaran layar kunci saja. Jika Anda bosan dan ingin mempelajari beberapa fakta menyenangkan, Anda dapat menggunakan aplikasi kapan pun Anda mau dan meningkatkan pengetahuan umum Anda dengan mempelajari fakta-fakta menarik ini.
Itu dia! Cukup sederhana. Anda telah mewujudkan impian Anda. Anda akan mempelajari fakta menyenangkan baru yang dipilih dari database dengan topik 20 + dan 1900 + fakta (kami terus meningkatkan angka-angka ini dengan pembaruan). Dan Anda akan melakukannya setiap hari.
Selamat belajar 😊 ...
Turn On Your Screen 👉 Learn Interesting Facts. And It’s All Free…
*Have you ever wanted to learn new amazing facts regularly every day and increase your general knowledge?
*And have you ever decided to do so; but give up learning after a while like many of us?
*Wouldn’t it be marvelous if you had the chance to learn interesting facts when you turn on your screen?
*And wouldn’t it be excellent if you decided what, when and how many you want to learn every day?
So here’s the good news:
You can do it all with this “Did You Know” app.
What Is “Did You Know”
“Did you know” is a ”general knowledge – interesting facts / fun facts” app that helps you learn new amazing facts every day, even if you forget to do so. The idea is simple: You decide what to learn (among 20+ topics), when to learn and how many things to learn every day. And that’s it! Relax and go back to your work. “Did You Know” will take care of the rest. You will soon start to learn new fun facts.
Let’s say you have chosen to learn 10 new facts from History, Nature, Science, Music and Human Body on each day. And you only want to learn during morning and evenig periods (because you’re at work in afternoon 😉). So here is what’s going to happen: At random times during mornig and evening periods (never exceeding 10 times a day), when you turn on your screen (i.e. at your lock screen) , the app will come up and say “Heyy did you know this amazing fact?…”.
Well, are you busy enough right now and can’t learn another new weird fact? Just click “Show Later” button. You are going to see the same amazing fact later on.
Or happily, you have the time to read that little sentence. Then just click “Got It”.
(In both cases, the app will disappear immediately letting you go on with your phone)
And if you want to add the fun facts to your favorites and repeat them anytime you want. Then just click the yellow star... 🤔 Well, it’s actually orange…
And last but not least; you are not limited to lock screen learning only. If you get bored and want to learn some fun facts you may use the app whenever you want and increase your general knowledge by learning these interesting facts.
That’s It! Simple enough. You have made your dream come true. You will learn new cool fun facts selected from a database of over 20+ topics and 1900+ facts (we continuously increase these numbers with updates). And you will do it every day.
Happy learning 😊…